quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2016

It's a new year!!

Good afternoon!!

Happy 2016!!!

How was your New Year's Eve? What did you do?

Do you think every country celebrate it the same way as you?

Today we're going to check out some "New Year Traditions Around the World"!


Chinese follow the "lunar calendar".

According to it, their New Year, known as "Yuan Tan" may occur any day between mid-January and mid-February.
The celebrations may continue for 10-15 days!

While beating of drums and cymbals are believed to drive away the evil, "lion dance" and feasting take care of the entertainment.

Friends and relatives visit each other.

Some red envelopes containing money (Lai See) is exchanged asa good luck gift.


United Kingdom welcomes the "New Year" according to the "gregorian calendar" with cheer, warmth of family and friends, feasting and drinking.

"First Footing": a tall, handsome dark (haired) male has to be the first visitor of a household after midnight. He carrys a loaf of bread, a bottle of whiskey, some coal and salt.
He puts the coal in the fire and serves the bread, drinks the whiskey to the family and wishes them a Happy New Year!
Entry from the front door and exit from the backdoor bringing good luck and prosperity to the household.


In Spain, as the midnight strikes, it's customary to quickly eat twelve grapes, one at each strike of the clock. These are supposed to bring good luck.


New Year in France is known as "Jour des trennes" and "Jour de l'An". The celebrations are referred to as "Réveillon".

It's believed that feasting will bring prosperity. A special feast called "le Réveillon de Saint-Sylvestre"is planned. Families meet and greet, champagnes are uncorked and huges parties are organized.


New Year is known as "Aluth Avurudhu" and occurs in mid-April.

Rituals include house cleaning, lightning of the hearth, herbal bathing, making auspicious dishes and strengthening of family relationships.


People stand on chairs and jump from it as the clock strikes 12 to welcome New Year!

Collect dishes all the year around to throw them at the front door on the New Year's Eve - the more the broken plates, the more friends one shall have in the New Year!

Do you know any other "New Year Tradition" to share with us?

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